Terrell Dinkins featured in Rolling Out!


New book from Terrell Dinkins spills financial tips every woman needs to know

Terrell Dinkins has enjoyed a successful career in finance. The Atlanta native received her BBA from Georgia Southern University, her MBA from Mercer University’s Stetson School of Business and Economics in Atlanta, and completed the executive program for Financial Planning from the University of Georgia’s Terry College of Business. She then began racking up clients as a financial advisor and making public appearances as a wealth empowerment speaker. But one thing that’s always been on her bucket list was writing a book, and now she’s officially become an author.

Dinkins figured a much larger crowd could benefit from her expertise. So, she wrote her first book, One Bucket at a Time: A Woman’s Guide to Creating Wealth, which was released on Dec. 17.The book’s purpose is to educate women on wealth building and financial empowerment. Dinkins is especially gearing her information toward ladies who find themselves as breadwinners in their household — whether single, divorced, or facing becoming a widow.

Although she’s now a published author, the hard-working entrepreneur is still making speaking engagements. She will be at Amelie’s Bakery and Café in Atlanta on Feb. 11 to deliver her lecture,“Smart Ladies Save (Single, Married and Divorced): Overcoming Barriers to Wealth Building.”

We caught up with Dinkins to ask her about her new book and get to know the woman behind the budding empire.

Read the full article from Rolling Out here.