One Bucket at a Time

One Bucket at a Time: A Woman’s Guide to Creating Wealth


Bookmark“This is a powerful and necessary read. Terrell provides proof that with the proper combination of knowledge, guts, and desire, anyone can shift their finances from hopeless to hopeful. Here lies a fascinating and inspiring work.”

—Dennis Kimbro, Author of The Wealth Choice

The current global workforce now includes five generations of women, women who have excelled in industries that for decades have been male-dominated. As we break through glass ceilings, the wage gap still reflects the inequities women faced decades ago, thus leaving it up to us to identify ways to achieve financial freedom. One Bucket at a Time: A Woman’s Guide to Creating Wealth is the blueprint that twenty-first century women (and men) have been waiting for. No matter what generation you identify with and no matter how different our financial concerns are, this book provides a solution in a worthwhile short read.

Katerina Taylor, President & CEO, DeKalb Chamber of Commerce  


In One Bucket at a Time: A Woman’s Guide to Creating Wealth, author Terrell Dinkins presents her principled approach to investing and wealth building. Using her extensive financial knowledge and experience working with clients, she reveals her unique wealth-building system to help women—and people from all walks of life—get their finances under control and put them on a path of financial prosperity. This practical guide is a must-read for anybody looking to create a positive net worth and ensure their future happiness and financial security, one bucket at a time!